CSS product code  0.1
C++ library to estimate distance of CSS codes. Some particular construction of CSS codes are implemented.
bp.h File Reference
#include <itpp/itcomm.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


itpp::bvec reduce_weight (itpp::bvec e, itpp::GF2mat G)
itpp::bvec qllr_to_bvec (itpp::QLLRvec llr, int bound)
int check_matrices (itpp::GF2mat *G, itpp::GF2mat *H, itpp::GF2mat *U, itpp::GF2mat *W, itpp::mat *K)
int read_matrices_for_partial_sum (char *filename_prefix, char *filename_suffix, itpp::GF2mat *G, itpp::GF2mat *H, itpp::GF2mat *U, itpp::GF2mat *W, itpp::mat *K)
int remove_rows (itpp::GF2mat *G, itpp::bvec rows_to_remove)

Function Documentation

◆ check_matrices()

int check_matrices ( itpp::GF2mat *  G,
itpp::GF2mat *  H,
itpp::GF2mat *  U,
itpp::GF2mat *  W,
itpp::mat *  K 

Definition at line 72 of file bp.cpp.

◆ qllr_to_bvec()

itpp::bvec qllr_to_bvec ( itpp::QLLRvec  llr,
int  bound 

Definition at line 38 of file bp.cpp.

◆ read_matrices_for_partial_sum()

int read_matrices_for_partial_sum ( char *  filename_prefix,
char *  filename_suffix,
itpp::GF2mat *  G,
itpp::GF2mat *  H,
itpp::GF2mat *  U,
itpp::GF2mat *  W,
itpp::mat *  K 

Definition at line 230 of file bp.cpp.

◆ reduce_weight()

itpp::bvec reduce_weight ( itpp::bvec  e,
itpp::GF2mat  G 

Definition at line 16 of file bp.cpp.

◆ remove_rows()

int remove_rows ( itpp::GF2mat *  G,
itpp::bvec  rows_to_remove 

Definition at line 117 of file bp.cpp.